- Developing backend services in Go using gRPC and GraphQL
- Performed a release of software products on site in virtual mail facilities in Frisco TX and Beaverton OR
- Performed image visual similarity analysis using neural network and agglomerative clustering techniques
- Designed a machine learning-based service for image classficiation
- Analyzed computer vision detectron2 and YOLO models for smart crop
- Built sender detection using NER (Named Entity Recognition) and Bedrock LLM
- Configuring AWS S3, RDS, SQS, Bedrock, Redshift and Textract access via CDK
- Measuring application performance using OTEL tracing
- Contribution to native framework communicating with physical devices
- Contribution to React front-end desktop application
- Integration with 3rd party API shipment provider
- Writing design documents with product specifications
- Promoting internship on local universities along with colleagues
- Hiring software interns
- Mentoring interns and junior developers